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GuangZhou YiRen uniform company……Guangzhou Yiren uniform company is Production and processing all kinds of work clothes uniforms Factory. Products: overalls|uniforms|suit|occupation|business suit|shirt|T-shirt|Polo shirt…………2011年6月16日  

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Short sleeved overalls
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  All Products >> Lapel T-shirt >> Summer work clothes with long sleeves
Summer work clothes with long sleeves
This style, available in stock, bulk discount jacket 48 yuan, 32 yuan pants.
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This product is made of polyester cotton anti-wrinkle twill fabric, a reasonable combination of dark gray and light gray, work clothes can also wear fashion. Price: jacket: 42 yuan/piece, trousers: 30 yuan/pair, 70 yuan for the whole set, discount for large quantity, minimum order for 30 sets. Logo embroidery service is provided. The cost of logo starts from 200 yuan. For more than 50 pieces, 2 yuan for each additional piece.
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    廣州衣人服裝有限公司 TEL: 86-020-34072004 FAX: 86-020-34072996 
    Company address: Haizhu District, Shiliugang Road (Taiwan Chung Commercial Street) North D11 on the second floor, guangzhou city
    copyright©yiren E-mail:yirenzhifu@126.com

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